As Member for Cowan, I represent a large, diverse electorate in Perth’s northern suburbs. In many ways, Cowan is a microcosm of Australia – people of many different faiths and ethnicities live happily, side by side.
Community harmony is not something that comes about by accident. It depends on how much we want to live in a multicultural society. When we are open to learning and caring about each other, harmony flourishes. When we give in to division, it falters. Showing that we have each other’s backs does more to create community harmony than anything else.
As I said in Parliament at the beginning of this month, the thing that truly unites Australians is not our skin colour or the place of our birth – it is our commitment to our highest ideals of equity, justice and the fair go. I hope that the Indian Crescent Society of Australia and its members will be able to achieve great things in support of our unity.
Dr Anne Aly
Member of Parliament