Aligarh Muslim University India has been ranked as the top university in India - that too in the year of 200th birth anniversary of its founder! According to the recent Times Higher Education Ranking, Aligarh Muslim University has been rated as the best University in India. AMU got 30.6 score that is the highest among Indian Universities (excluding IITs and IIS) ranked by Times Higher Education Ranking. AMU also ranked under 160 among all Asian universities & higher education institutes and 157th among BRICS and emerging economies.
Times Higher Education ranking notes "One of the distinctive features of the AMU university is its residential community, where students and staff live alongside each other in hostels and halls of residence." The university has around 28,000 students and a faculty of almost 1,500 teaching staff. The Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) was originally established by social reformer Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College.
Joy doubles because milestone achieved in the year of 200th birth anniversary of the great visionary, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan who paved the way for educational, political, cultural and literary revival of the people of the subcontinent Muslims, in general, when Muslims were passing through a dark period after 1857. In Australia, there is an AMU Alumni which contributes and supports the education of the Indian Muslims students. Each year AMU Alumni arranges Sir Syed day and raises funds for this cause. Sir Syed day event was initiated in Australia by Aligarians.
This year Sir Syed day event in Sydney has been planned for Saturday 4 November 2017 at 6 PM at North Ryde School of Arts Community Centre.A detailed report on the formation of AMU Alumni Australia and Sir Syed day shall be published in next newsletter during the Sir Syed day.
Credit for this compilation to Mr Zulfiqar Sheth/ Dr Habib Bhurawala