Our first newsletter was released on 26th Jan 2017 and was circulated widely across Australia and overseas. I am pleased to let you know that we received excellent feedback from the readers. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have appreciated the ICSOA newsletter. I congratulate the ICSOA-Media team & ICSOA-IT-team for the important milestone & tireless work in completing this task. We shall continually improve the Newsletter in future issues.
Our 2nd newsletter dated 21st March is dedicated to community harmony and we feel proud to release it on “Harmony Day”. I am pleased to mention some of the articles were contributed by Australians who believe and promote community harmony and multiculturalism in Australia.
On internal matters of ICSOA, we are adding and establishing new sub-committees. Recently we have formed a sub-committee for ICSOA-Health. First program of ICSOA-Health is being arranged on 29th April 2017. These programs are open to all Australians irrespective of religions/faiths/genders/age groups/ethnicity etc., as the service of ICSOA is for all Australians. However due to limited seats and for logistic reason, your RSVP is essential.
An organisation can only be successful if it has a dedicated team of volunteers who can work as a back-bone of ICSOA. I do believe that we have dedicated group of volunteers but due to our future expansion plans, we do need more volunteers. We need more true heroes who can put their time and energy and can share their professional expertise with us as team players. Therefore, we are seeking community interest. If you want to volunteer yourself for ICSOA and you want to help and support the existing team, please feel free to contact us.
Thanks & Regards,
Abbas Raza Alvi
President – ICSOA
[email protected]